Minnesota Injuries from Prematurity Lawyer
The birth of a child is a time for the entire family to rejoice. When a child is born prematurely, however, it causes a great deal of stress and uncertainty. Premature infants are at great risk of suffering from a number of different injuries, which can remain with them for the rest of their life. Premature births occur for a number of different reasons, but they are often the result of medical malpractice. If your child was born prematurely, it is important to speak to a Minnesota premature birth injury lawyer who can advise on your case.
When are Infants Considered Premature?
Any infant born prior to 37 weeks of gestation is classified as premature, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Still, a birth is considered viable after just 24 weeks of gestation, as infants can typically survive outside of the womb at that point. The earlier a child is born prior to 37 weeks though, the more likely it is that they will incur serious injuries that may remain with them throughout their entire life.
Common Prematurity Injuries
Premature infants can suffer from a variety of injuries. Some of the most common prematurity injuries are as follows:
- Cardiac issues: Apatent ductus arteriosus is the most common cardiac condition a child will suffer when they are born prematurely. This condition affects the ductus arterioles, which is the opening between the two main blood vessels in the heart. Apatent ductus arteriosus causes the opening to remain open without closing, causing fluid to accumulate in the lungs. Heart failure is not uncommon in these cases.
- Respiratory conditions: Preterm babies can suffer from a number of respiratory conditions. One is apnea, a condition in which a person does not breathe for 20 seconds or more. A premature baby’s lungs also often have insufficient surfactant, which allows the lungs to stay open. Without this surfactant, the lungs cannot expand and contract as they normally would.
- Infections: A preterm child’s immune system has not developed fully and so, they are much more prone to infection. Additionally, premature babies typically require medical procedures, even those that are simple, such as inserting an IV line. Any of these procedures can transmit bacteria or viruses into the child’s system, and the immune system is unable to fight against them.
- Jaundice: The breakdown of red blood cells in the body is a normal process that results in the production of bilirubin. The liver should be able to get rid of this bilirubin but it often cannot in preterm babies. This causes jaundice, which turns a preterm infant’s skin and eyes to turn slightly yellow.
Unfortunately, the above are just some of the most common injuries affecting preterm babies. They are often caused by the negligence of doctors and other medical personnel in the labor and delivery room.
Our Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Minnesota Can Help After a Prematurity Injury
If your child was born before 37 weeks of gestation and is now suffering from an injury as a result, our Minnesota medical malpractice lawyers are here to help. At Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman, LLC, our skilled attorneys have the necessary experience to hold negligent healthcare professionals responsible for their actions and to make things right for you and your family. Call us today or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.